Economic development issues in Ghana have not been given the needed attention and prominence. We live in times when serious issues bothering on economic development are subjected to political swings and distortions.
Additionally, there is no revered platform in Ghana that is noted for deliberating on serious economic issues and this is the gap that the GEF seeks to bridge!
The GEF seeks to create a revered platform that will bring together key stakeholders to deliberate on economic development issues in a non-partisan and straight forward approach. The organizers hope to provide advocacy on the issues that will be raised through this platform, which will be held periodically.
What do we hope to achieve through the forum?
The Ghana Economic Forum is expected to:
- Sensitize government and stakeholders on the need to integrate the country’s people, systems and technologies to drive sustainable economic development
- Influence the adoption of sustainable economic development policies
Engage in advocacy programmes through our other media forms to bring to the attention of stakeholders on key economic development issues and also suggest possible solutions.
Who Should Attend
The forum is recommended for all leaders including: CEOs, Managing Directors, Chief Financial Officers, Board Chairmen, Government & Legal Advisors, Marketing Managers, Entrepreneurs, Civil Society Leaders, Senior- Level Decision Makers in Public & Private Sector organizations in Ghana as well as executives of multilateral organizations and development partners.